Torque vizualisation showing all reported crimes from 1/1/2012-6/30/2013 in San Luis Obispo.
Crime reports onCesar Chavez Day 2015 in SLO City.
All crime reports for the City San Luis Obispo from the month of July 2013. Zoom in to get to individual reports.
Cal Poly SLO campus buildings symbolized by year of construction. Click a building to learn its name and year of construction.
All of my car trips recorded using the metronome from Metromile.
All fuel reduction treatments in SLU along with pertinent information about their funding sources and executing agencies.
Real-time map of weather data and dispatch levels for the San Luis Obispo Unit of CAL FIRE. (Only updated during fire season.*)
A comparison of the existing Protective Action Zones layer against my edited version that better follows the county coastline and city boundaires. Corrected layer in red, old layer in yellow, and cities in green.
This map shows all the towers in SLO county registered with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that have a need for brush clearance. Clicking on a tower will provide you with its owner and a link to see it on Google Maps.